X always wears thick thick robes that cover every part of X's body, and a helmet with a glowing red slit for eye holes; even this helmet has thick treated glass between X and the outside world.
X originally designed this as a protection against the sun, so that X could move about during the day, but it has become a second skin to the vampire; X is paranoid, and a bit of a germaphobe.
As a housekeeper, X has an obsession with neatness, and everything being in its place. X will politely greet intruders, and invite them further inside the fortress; however, if they so much as put one thing out of place, kill or injure an inhabitant, or disrespect the household in any way, X will instead lead them to his combat chamber (design as needed), and unleash his fury upon them.
Design notes: Not sure how powerful X truly is; by adapting several feats from pathfinder, and using the custom item of the Disc Gauntlets, X may be somewhere closer to a CR 11 or 12.
"X" Hobgoblin Vampire Feat Rogue 8 CR 10+
Init +10 Senses S/L 13/+13 Darkvision Languages: Common, Elven, Trade Language, Undercommon
Defenses AC 24 (+6 dex, +4 armour, 6 nat, +1 ddg, +3 sld) Will +5 Ref +14 Fort +2
HP (8d12) DR 10/silver and magic Fast Healing 5 Resist cold, electricity 10
Speed 60 ft
Slam +11 (1d6+5+energy drain)
Whip +12 (1d6+5+energy drain)
Dagger +12 (1d4+5/19-20)
Base attack +6/+1 grp +11
Special actions: gaseous form, spider climb,
Special abilities: evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge
Abilities STR 20 DEX 23 CON - INT 18 WIS 16 CHA 16
Feats: Channel Energy Drain, Weapon Focus (Whip), Whip Mastery, Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Whip Mastery, Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
Skills: Spot +24, Listen +24, Move Silently +29, Hide +25, Jump +16, Balance +17, Bluff +19, Diplomacy +14, Sense Motive +19, Gather Information +14, Tumble +17, Profession (house manager) +14
Equipment: +2 studded leather, +2 mighty changing whip (2), heavy robes, boots of springing and striding, Disk Gauntlets
Blank Slate Imprint: Any SI/SU/SP or EX ability that targets X can, on the next round, be used by X against any foe. All activation costs and all numerical values are the same, and the copied ability functions exactly like the first, except he may choose new target(s) for the copy. As he does so a shimmering image of the person he is copying from overlays him.
Disc Gauntlets: X’s Disc Gauntlets enable him to manipulate force. They were created by an argent savant skilled in the use of walls of force, and make use of many of that mage’s learned skills.
The Disc Gauntlets have three settings: Shields, Platforms, and Shell.
The Disc Gauntlets have three settings: Shields, Platforms, and Shell.
- Shield: When in Shield mode, the disc gauntlets generate pale silvery discs that circle around X; they grant him a +3 shield bonus to AC.
- Platforms: In Platform mode, the gauntlets generate small disks of force for X to walk on; these allow him to “fly” at his normal base speed as he steps from one disc to the next.
- Shell: As an immediate action, once per day, X can forego the other bonuses that his Disc Gauntlets would grant him, and gain total immunity to everything for that round; nobody retains line of effect to him, nor can he be dealt damage in any way as the gauntlets form a silvery protective shell all about him.
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