Set during the war between the Brotherhood of Darkness and the Army of Light, this campaign is a catalog of the adventures of a band of heroes (and villains). Two aspiring Sith, one failed Jedi (but not fallen), and a brilliant doctor/pilot/
Dramatis Personae: (Cast and Crew)
- Ivan; human; noble; male. A man of fortune, and a travelling pilot, Ivan captains the Screaming Gire, has more inheritance than he knows what to do with, and is looking for passengers.
- Wheeler; droideka equivalent. The gunner and security expert of the Screaming Gire. Owned by Ivan.
- Nameless Astromech. The mechanic and copilot of the Screaming Gire. Owned by Ivan.
- Lord ____; Kel Dor; "Jedi" (Sith); male. A warrior, and a psychopath, ____ gets his kicks through torture, and refuses to pay for things, on grounds of Force Choke.
- Lord ____; Pau'an; "Jedi" (Sith); male. A prodigy, barely nine years of age, and yet able to kill a man with the Force at a dozen paces. Horribly burn scarred on his face, and intimidating as all hell.
- Daggeron; human; Jedi; male. A former-Jedi, but now a listless (but not lustless) wanderer since his master died. A practitioner of dual-lightsaber combat, the man is a drunkard and a womanizer.
Dramatis Personae (Important NPCs):
- Dark Lord Dorian; Togrutan; Jedi/Jedi Knight/Sith Apprentice/Sith Lord; male. The master of ___ and ___, and the one who initiated the campaign.
- Caldrin; human; scout/noble/pathfinder; male. A local gangster on Rax-Inur I, and the master of the Scrap Heap. Stood between the party and a repaired ship. Now will never stand again.
- "Saber Six"; ???; ???; ???. The mysterious ace pilot who dodged all shots against him, and was only robbed of his kill by an asteroid causing the Gire to crash.
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