Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Current State of Affairs: Vezzer Hearthhome

The second dwarven gladiator, Vezzer Hearthhome is a sorcerer, and a dangerous man.
Vezzer is a servant of nefarious beings, and has his own agenda, sure to clash with that of the PCs. A sorcerer who has embraced his Abyssal heritage, he is sure to be a dangerous foe, more so due to his mastery of the potent magical energy called Spellfire (the essence of magic, this is unique to the Forgotten Realsm campaign setting; should you be using him in a different setting, or not wanting to include Spellfire, change out the Spellfire Wielder feat. Alternately, make it so that he is the only one who knows how to, a perversion of natural magic that he has created using his demonic heritage).

Vezzer Hearthhome Dwarf Sorcerer 9 CR 9

Init +1    Senses S/L +2/+4 Darkvision   Languages: Common, Dwarven, Abyssal
Defenses AC 17 (+1 dex, +2 nat, +4 arm) Will +12   Ref +9(+1 in)   Fort +14 +2 vs spells, +2 vs poison
HP 97 (9d6+53)  DR 1/Adamantine
Speed 20 ft
Quarterstaff +4 (1d6)

Crossbow +6 (1d8+1/19-20)

Base attack +4     grp +4
Special actions: Spells, Spellfire
Abilities   STR 10  DEX 12  CON 24 [20]  INT 10  WIS 14  CHA 18 [16]
Feats(4): Demonic Skin, Heart of the Nabassu (3 negative levels/day), Precognitive Visions, Cloak of the Obyrith, Spellfire Wielder, Alertness
Skills: Spellcraft +12, Concentration +17, Listen +4, Spot +2, Escape Artist -2, Handle Animal -2
Equipment: Bracers of Armour +2, Amulet of Health +4, Cloak of Charisma +2, Vest of Resistance +4

When target and caster in contact with ground, double range of spell, +1 DC

  • 0 - 6/day - resistance, detect magic, detect poison, read magic, dancing lights, prestidigitation, polish weapon, mage hand
  • 1 - 8/day - magic missile, feather fall, disguise self, charm person, mage armour*
  • 2 - 8/day - earthen grasp (CA 104), summon swarm, web, invisibility
  • 3 - 8/day - dispel magic, lightning bolt, displacement
  • 4 - 5/day - burning blood (CA 100)

Vezzer suffers from precognitive visions, clouding his eyes and making him constantly see things.
He generally pretends to be a decent person until his goals are threatened, at which point he cuts loose with a burning blood targeted at the physically weakest looking person, then follows with webs and summoned swarms for battlefield control,
Design notes: Precognitive Visions, Heart of the Nabassu and Demonic Skin all come from Fiendish Codex I. Don't remember where burning blood comes from; likely Complete Arcane or Complete Mage.
Vezzer generally participates in the Arcane Duels, using his Spellfire Wielder feat to gain huge advantages over mages casting targeted spells, He fights, for now, in order to find those who he might sway to the service of his dark masters, or to find pawns for his schemes.

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