Thursday, October 15, 2015

Sedra Avinder

Sedra Avinder is one of my favourite NPCs ever. She is likely to show up in every single one of my games, because her stats are so versatile.
Sedra was created as a part of my Eighth World campaign, when the players needed a guide through the Deathways (more on this another day). She was one of several options, and one that I severely hoped that they would hire.
In the end, they did. And, when one of the characters went missing partway through, a player actually ended up running Sedra for half the adventure.
Sedra has the unfortunate conditions of having dozens of souls shackled to her own. Originally, this came about through a desperate ritual to save her dying friends. Instead of saving them from dying, she prevented them from passing on. Now, they live through her, protecting their vessel, for they fear what might happen if she were to die.
Then, in the next campaign, Sedra became a cruel warrior who gambled with the souls of her opponents; if she wins, she gets to shackle their souls to her ever-growing collection; if they win, they get to set some souls free (and if they set enough free, they might get her soul as well).
In both cases, Sedra is protected by the souls, one through the choice of the souls, and one through foul necromantic magic.
These protections take the forms of bonuses to AC and saving throws, as well as several other unique abilities detailed below.
Whether or not Sedra's abilities are indeed worth an extra 2 CR or not is unknown; I haven't playtested the abilities much, and in fact have not even used all of them in the game at any given time.
Feel free to make up your own story about Sedra. Is she a noble knight who guards the souls of the fallen from the perils of the afterlife, or a vengeful hunter of criminals, one who binds their souls to her after their death so that they may help to atone for their misdeeds?
Whoever she is, Sedra Avinder is a force to be reckoned with.

Sedra, Deathways Guide

Sedra Avinder Human Marshal 2/Dragon Shaman 2/Fighter 1 CR 7

Init +8    Senses S/L +4/+4 Darkvision   Languages: Common
Defenses AC 28 (+3 dex, +6 arm, +5 def, +3 shld, +1 aura) Will +11   Ref +8   Fort +15
HP 40 (3d10+2d8+10)  Resist Cold 5
Speed 30 ft
Longsword +5 (1d8+2/19-20)
Morningstar +5 (1d8+2)

Longbow +6 (1d8/*3)

Base attack +3     grp +5
Special actions: Auras, Spirit Lash
Special abilities: Spirit Shield, Warding Souls, Take Over, Spirit Lash
Abilities   STR 14  DEX 16  CON 14  INT 10  WIS 10  CHA 20 [16]
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Weapon Draconic Aura, Shield Specialization (Heavy), Skill focus (bluff), Skill focus (diplomacy)
Skills: Diplomacy +16, Bluff +16, Sense Motive +8, Spot +4, Listen +4
Equipment: +1 Mithral Breastplate, cloak of charisma +4, heavy steel shield, longsword, morningstar, longbow, 20 blunt arrows, 20 bladed arrows

Spirit Shield: All living creatures Sedra assigns a spirit to appear as an undead to undead.
Warding Souls: Sedra’s spirits provide her with three benefits: They grant her a deflection bonus to AC equal to her charisma modifier, they grant her a bonus on saving throws equal to her charisma modifier, and they protect her mind from being read (as mind shield)
Take Over: If Sedra goes unconscious a spirit can take over her body, preserving it at -9 HP. Any hit she takes will kill her, but she can still take actions without penalty, and is stable. The spirit talks and acts for her. Additionally, if she is reduced from positive HP to death in a single attack, this abilitiy also kicks in, with Sedra stable at -9 HP. Any further attacks that deal damage will kill her.
Spirit Lash: Sedra can forgo the bonuses the spirits grant her and her allies for one round in order to make a special attack as a standard action. All enemies within 30 feet must make a DC 17 will save or become shaken for one minute. While they are shaken, if affected by this power again, they take 1d4 ability damage to each ability score.

Draconic +1 (Totem Dragon: Blue)
  • Resistance (Active)

Minor (+5)
  • Motivate Dexterity (Active)
Major (+1)
  • Motivate Care (Active)

Dragon shaman +1
  • Presence
  • Senses (Active)
  • Vigor

Sedra, Soul- Slaving Knight

Sedra Avinder Human Marshal 2/Dragon Shaman 2/Fighter 2/Crusader 2 CR 10

Init +9    Senses S/L +9/+8 Darkvision   Languages: Common
Defenses AC 33 (+2 dex, +9 arm, +5 def, +6 shld, +1 aura) Will +16   Ref +8   Fort +19
HP 62 (6d10+2d8+16)  Resist Electricity 5
Speed 20 ft
Longsword +8 (1d8+3/19-20)
Morningstar +6 (1d8+2)

Light Crossbow +7 (1d8/19-20)

Base attack +6     grp +7
Special actions: Auras, Spirit Lash
Special abilities: Spirit Shield, Warding Souls, Take Over, Spirit Lash
Abilities   STR 15  DEX 16  CON 14  INT 10  WIS 10  CHA 21 [16]
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Draconic Aura, Shield Specialization (Tower), Skill focus (bluff), Skill focus (diplomacy), Weapon Focus (Longsword), Vital Recovery
Skills: Diplomacy +18, Bluff +18, Sense Motive +10, Spot +8, Listen +7
Equipment: +1 Mithral Full Plate, cloak of charisma +4, +1 tower shield, +1 longsword, longbow, 20 blunt arrows, 20 bladed arrows

Spirit Shield: All living creatures Sedra assigns a spirit to appear as an undead to undead.
Warding Souls: Sedra’s spirits provide her with three benefits: They grant her a deflection bonus to AC equal to her charisma modifier, they grant her a bonus on saving throws equal to her charisma modifier, and they protect her mind from being read (as mind shield)
Take Over: If Sedra goes unconscious a spirit can take over her body, preserving it at -9 HP. Any hit she takes will kill her, but she can still take actions without penalty, and is stable. The spirit talks and acts for her. Additionally, if she is reduced from positive HP to death in a single attack, this abilitiy also kicks in, with Sedra stable at -9 HP. Any further attacks that deal damage will kill her.
Spirit Lash: Sedra can forgo the bonuses the spirits grant her and her allies for one round in order to make a special attack as a standard action. All enemies within 30 feet must make a DC 17 will save or become shaken for one minute. While they are shaken, if affected by this power again, they take 1d4 ability damage to each ability score.

Stances Known:
Martial Spirit (Each strike allows to heal 2 HP)
Thicket of Blades (5ft steps provoke AoO) Active

Maneuvers Known (2 granted):
  1. Douse the Flames (target hit cannot make AoOs for 1 round)
    1. Stone Bones (Successful strike yields DR 5/adamantine)
    2. Crusader’s Strike (successful attack allows to heal 1d6+5)
    3. Foehammer (attack overcomes DR, deals +2d6 dmg)
  2. Mountain Hammer (attack overcomes DR, Hardness, deals +2d6 dmg)

Draconic +1 (Totem Dragon: Blue)
  • Resistance (Active)

Minor (+5)
  • Motivate Dexterity (Active)
Major (+1)
  • Motivate Care (Active)

Dragon shaman +1
  • Presence
  • Senses (Active)
  • Vigor

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